Monday, December 17, 2012

Andrew Helps Us Plan

Andrew helps us set S.M.A.R.T., achievable goals in order to take our fitness to the next level!

He will outline parameters for creating a healthy goal, with achievable results, and a realistic timeline!

Take it away, Andrew:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Timothy Adams At The Gun Show

Trainer Timothy Adams gives us the rundown on the alternating dumbbell curl.

This is one of the best exercises for toning and building the biceps when done correctly. Watch Tim go through the motions of the exercise and show us all how to build "guns" like him!

Check it out!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Marleah Showin' Us How It's Done!

Scissor Lunges For Glute/Ham Toning

Here is our very own Marleah Akins showing us how to perform Scissor Lunges, also known as Plyometric Lunges.

This is a great exercise to add to the lower body routine. They tone, strengthen, AND help with balance and coordination!

This explosive exercise will definitely shape and tone your legs and rev up your heart rate!

Check 'em out!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Trial And Error, Fitness Style

Trial and error in the fitness world is a very frustrating venture!

One of the most frustrating experiments is trying to discover which macronutrient is best for your fitness goals.

There are so many variations in fitness levels, activity levels, activities, body types, and absorption of nutrients between one person to the next. No singular diet will work for everyone!

We want to remind you that trial and error is a HUGE part of transforming your body from flabby to fit!

Please, don't be discouraged when you find that a diet that worked for your friend did not work for you! It was not meant for you.

If it is a cookie-cutter diet, then it will work for you up until a certain point!

There are two ways to experiment with your diet to find your perfect ratio of macronutrients for your goals...

First, you can try adding/subtracting macronutrients by a few grams at a time (carbs and fats, predominantly) and keeping protein at a steady level (to have a constant in your diet) . You must take notes, measurements, and track results every 2-3 weeks until you find that you are continually losing fat/building muscle.


Second, you can team up with a Personal Trainer to have a non-biased set of eyes to evaluate your progress. We have all the tools needed to track your progress (or regression) accurately and the knowledge to make the best changes/substitutions to your diet and training regimen!

The choice is yours, but remember that the you can make tiny changes for weeks and months before you finally align all the pieces. But when the pieces are in perfect alignment....


On your own or with your Fitness Coach, don't ever be afraid to go against the grain and try eating a high fat diet, maybe "fat turns to fat" is not the exact truth... Maybe you need 500 grams of carbs a day to fuel the 3 Group X Classes you take each day in addition to your weight training...

Only you and your Personal Trainer can learn the nutritional truth as it applies to you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Can't Do A Push-up? Check It!

Push-ups are one of the greatest upper body exercises for women, but not many woman can perform them!

Here are some tips to get you started on your road to full push-ups and an incredible set of arms, shoulders, and a sculpted torso!

Take it away, Melinda!

Now, try it out for yourselves, ladies! Report back with your awesome results!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Smith Squat Tutorial

Smith Squats are a GREAT lower-body exercise, especially when training alone!

Here is a little video we shot to help explain the finer points of using the Smith Machine correctly for this exercise!

A few more tips:
- Remember to try and keep your knees from jutting past your toes while performing this exercise.
- Keep a slight arch in the back, maintaining picture-perfect posture (shoulders back, chest out, chin up).
- Try to go as low as possible without causing any discomfort to your knees or hips. A depth where the upper thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below is recommended.

Till next time!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Shake Up Your Cardio Routine With One Simple Movement

Here is a pretty fun and intense cardio routine to break up the monotony of the treadmill, elliptical, or StepMill!

Start off your 45-60 minute cardio session by performing 50 Burpees!

Remember, to start a timer and see how long it takes you to perform 50 Burpees.


Subtract that time from your total cardio session length and finish out the remaining time on one of your usual cardio machines (or outside if you like running or jogging outside).

Here is a quick example of Burpees and how to perform them correctly:

Knock it out and let us know how much more intense your cardio session was because of the Burpees!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Take A Break!

Has your motivation for the weight room, cardio deck, and Group X classes here at 360 Fitness waned?

Do you find youself dreading your own workouts or your scheduled workouts with your Personal Trainer?

Here is a friendly reminder to TAKE A BREAK!

You are NOT going to regress THAT MUCH if you take 3-4 days off from dieting, working out, and generally stressing about your weight loss goals!

If you get right back on the program, you may even find that you have gained a bit of muscle from being in a caloric excess for a short amount of time!

Taking a break may be the best thing you have ever done!

So, don't wait till your 5-6 days of working out every week makes you sick, and you give up on working out completely before taking a break!

Do us a favor!

Remember, that rest and recovery is just as important as breaking down and re-building!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let Someone Else Decide What's For Dinner.... (HEALTHY Dinner!)

If you're trying to follow a healthier lifestyle WITHOUT eating the same foods day-in and day-out, then creativity is going to be a big factor in keeping sane!

Here is an awesome article I stumbled upon whilst looking for healthy dinner recipes that actually tasted good!

Trust me, I've tried half of these recipes already, and they are a great break from plain ol' chicken and brown rice!

Click HERE to check out the above recipes from and 5 others to keep it healthy AND tasty at dinner time! (Your family can thank us later!)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Consistency... Consistency... CONSISTENCY!

Just a tiny reminder to those who absolutely cannot stick to a regimen for too long before getting burnt out, tiring of the monotony, losing interest, or losing motivation:


It's an age-old mantra... for a reason.

1000 hours of practice are required before you perfect a skill.

Why should weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and dieting be any different?

Remember, every hour logged on the StepMill, every repetition performed on the bench press, every ounce of tilapia measured out is another step towards the ultimate physical accomplishment: becoming who you envision yourself to be.

How many people can say they look and perform EXACTLY how they appear in their mind's eye?

Don't you want to be one of those people?

Well, I can tell you this: Consistency will get you to your goals, without a shadow of a doubt.

Day after day, week after week, the more you apply your determination and consistency to the tasks at hand (workouts, eating right, etc.), the greater the results.

So, quit cancelling on your trainer at 7:45am, because you are tired.

Quit bailing on your workout partner because you had a long day at the office (is YOUR day longer than 24 hours?... because we all have the same long day).

Quit picking up a burger on the way home from school because you don't feel like cooking, weighing, and prepping your lean ground beef patty and 2 cups of broccoli.

Consistency is the Master Key to accomplishing your physique goals... and to life, in general.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You Need To Quit!

Don’t let the gym thing be your entire life…
Yup, I said it!
Don’t be a gym rat. Make fitness a priority in your life but not the only priority in your life. Dedication to fitness is to be commended, of course. You can take it too far, though.
Don’t let 2lbs. affect whether you have a good day or not! Should that extra 2lbs. you gained in WATER WEIGHT really make your awesome day at work or school negated?
I would hope not!
Getting in shape and being happy with your body should be a constant state or progression. I’m not talking about losing weight every single day (or gaining), day-in and day-out….
You should be focused on the long term…
Every 2-3 weeks should yield progress, assuming you are placing as much priority on weights, cardio, and nutrition as you should be.
If you keep looking back with every step you take, you cannot see how far you have come!
So, do me a favor…
Don’t sweat the small stuff!
If you feel tired and your feet hurt from working all freakin’ day…. GO HOME AND WATCH A MOVIE WITH YOUR KIDS!
If you have been dieting for 6 weeks straight, running on the treadmill and only eating salads, EAT A SLICE OF CHEESECAKE WITH YOUR DINNER OUT!
It’s a marathon, not a race…
Slow and steady wins the race…
Two birds in the glass house should make like a leaf… (Wait…)
Here is a word of advice from your friendly, neighborhood trainer: We want 360 Fitness to be your 3rd Place! You have work/school, home, and now… 360 Fitness. We don’t want you to feel as if working out and keeping to your diet is dulling your zest for life and happiness!
Remember to rein it in when you feel yourself getting beat down with every workout. If the thought of chicken and rice makes you want to run to the nearest TCBY, by all means, DO IT!
Fitness should be fun. It’s as simple as that. If it isn’t, something needs to change. Let us help you figure it out!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tired Of "Dieting"?

There are a thousand different meal plans, diet programs, weight loss secrets, and every other gimmick under the sun for getting into great shape!

To be honest, the simplest part of the three-fold equation of weights, cardio, and nutrition is actually the weight training aspect.

In its most basic form, the body only needs an overwhelming outside stimulus in order to elicit a muscle-building, calorie-burning response. So, doing 1 set of heavy (to you) alternating dumbbell curls is, in theory, enough to cause a change. The more overwhelming and intense the set is, the more extreme the stimulus elicited. More stress equates to more adaptation.

The second part of the equation, cardio, is a little more complicated, but it can be simplified, nonetheless. Sweat. That's it!

Perform cardiovascular exercise (jogging, incline walking on the treadmill, hiking, StepMill or Elliptical work, swimming etc.) at a high enough speed/intensity to heat your body up and sweat. If you don't sweat or "glisten" (Ladies, I'm talking to you!), then breathing at a slightly faster pace than when at rest is the next best indicator.

Nutrition is so drastically complicated it can take years and years and years to even figure out what nutrition protocol works best for you and your specific situation.


Here is an easy way to bypass years of research, trial and error, and just plain old failing at dieting to lose a couple extra pounds of fat without changing much! (That's what Personal Trainers are for... We do the leg work and chart the course. You, the client, merely have to trust your trainer and follow their course!)

Carbohydrates are used to fuel intense activity... That's why Sports Drinks are filled to the brim with sugar. Carbohydrates breakdown to glucose in the body. Glucose is a simple sugar (NOT to be confused with table sugar).

Rearrange your meal plan as such to where you are eating all your carbohydrates around your most active times of the day.

If you work out at 6am every Monday-Friday. Then time your carbohydrates before and after the workout. Then, fill up on protein, veggies, and healthy fats throughout the rest of the day. You don't need a ton of energy to go to sleep. So, why would you eat pasta at dinner? If you workout at 9pm, then follow the same protocol, regardless if you are going to sleep or not.

Of course, consult with your physician before you start any diet or exercise plan.

If you have the green light, here is what a sample menu would look like for someone who works out in the morning and has an 8am - 5pm work schedule:

Upon Waking
Low-carb, Low-fat Protein Shake
1 Serving of Steel Cut Oats


Post Workout
1 Low-fat Greek Yogurt
1 Serving of Berries
1 Serving of Granola

Brown Rice

Large Green Salad w/ Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Merely rearranging the carbohydrates in your day can help ensure you are fueling the more rigorous parts of your day without overloading your body with sugar at times it may not be able to put it to good use!

Try this nifty trick on for size and see how your energy levels, waistline, and scale-weight are affected!

Yours In Fitness
Mike Caballero
Certified Personal Trainer
360 Fitness

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Melinda's Kitchen Tips

Melinda had a great tip for your meal plans this week. Check out her kitchen skills on her blog. We would love to hear about your tips and tricks in the kitchen to keep your diet in check. Tell us in the comments below! Have a great day everyone!