Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Improve Your Golf Game With These 4 Simple Exercises

Improve Your Golf Game With These 4 Simple Exercises

Weighted Oblique Crunches (“Corkscrew Crunches”)
Start on a Decline Abdominal Bench with feet firmly secured, holding a medicine ball (with adequate weight to ensure a challenge) at a angle (left or right, your choice).
With arms extended above you, perform a sit-up whilst twisting the torso to bring the arms to the opposite leg, crossing the body with the arms.
Perform 10-15 repetitions bringing arms from right side to left knee. Then, perform 10-15 repetitions on the opposite side.
Repeat 2-3 times per side.

Diagonal Trunk Rotations
Attach a straight bar handle to the cable tower. Adjust cable pulley to lowest level.
With an alternating grip (one palm up, one palm down), extend arms towards origin of resistance. Twist torso and move extended arms across body, finishing with arms extended above opposite shoulder from origin of resistance.
Perform 10-15 repetitions with origin of resistance at right leg, crossing to left shoulder. Repeat with origin of resistance at left leg. Repeat 2-3 times per side.

Trunk Rotations
Start with straight bar attached to cable pulley at waist height. Hold bar at arms’ length with an alternating grip.
With arms extended, rotate the trunk and cross the upper body ending with your torso facing away from the origin of resistance.
Perform 15-20 repetitions with the origin of resistance at your left side. Repeat with origin of resistance at right side. Repeat 2-3 times per side.

Cable Rear Delt Flyes
Start with single-handle attached to cable pulley at lowest level.
With origin of resistance at right foot, bend at the waist and grab handle with left hand. Keeping the back straight, extended the arm directly away from the origin of resistance. Arm should be slightly bent with palm facing the ground at end of movement. Return handle to origin of resistance.
Perform 10-15 repetitions. Repeat with origin of resistance at left foot, handle in right hand. Repeat 2-3 times per side.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Improve Your Tennis Game By Pumping Iron

Here are some awesome exercises to help improve your tennis game AND overall fitness, muscularity, flexibility, and strength!

Standing External Rotation
1.       Attach the tubing to a secure structure, such as a pillar.

2.       Start with the left side of the body closest to the point of tension.

3.       Bend the right arm 90 degrees with the upper arm down next to the side of the body.

4.       Place a rolled towel between the upper arm and body (if desired, to keep arm in fixed position).

5.       Grab tubing with the right hand, palm facing the front of body, so there is light tension on tubing.

6.       Pull the tubing by taking the hand away from the body (external rotation of shoulder).

7.       Return to the starting position under control.

8.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Straight-arm Rowing
1.       Loop the tubing through a fence, or around another fixed object, at hip level.
2.       Grab an end of the tubing with each hand and elevate the arms so they are at an angle of 45 degrees relative to your body
3.       Step back until there is tension in the band.
4.       As this exercise is performed, you should focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together, trying to pinch them behind you.
5.       Perform a straight arm row by pulling the handles back towards the hip while keeping the arms straight.
6.       Return to the starting position with the body and tension in the tubing under control, repeat.
7.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.


Scapular Retraction

1.       Loop some tubing through a stationary object at hip level.
2.       Grab both ends of the tubing or band and adjust the length so there is slight tension in the starting position.
3.       Start with the elbows bent 90 degrees and the upper arms along the side of the body.
4.       Perform a rear shrug by squeezing the shoulder blades back and pulling the elbows backward.
5.       Return to the starting stretch position under control, and repeat.
6.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Single Arm Row
1.       Start the feet in a staggered stance (one out in front of the other). For this example, use the left foot in front.

2.       Grab one end of the tubing with the right hand.

3.       Step on the tubing with the left foot so that there is tension in the tubing at starting position.

4.       Bend forward at the waist while keeping shoulders back, back arched.

5.       Start with the right arm extended towards the ground.

6.       Pull the tubing back with the right hand until the hand is next to right side at chest level.

7.       Return to the starting stretch position, controlling the descent.

8.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each arm.


Upright Row
1.       Stand on the tubing so that the feet are slightly inside shoulder width.

2.       Grab an end of the tubing with each hand. There should be a light tension in the tubing in the start position.

3.       Stand upright with a slight bend in the knees.

4.       Pull the tubing towards the chin, keeping the palms facing the body.

5.       Pull the tubing by lifting the upper arms so they rotate outwards away from the body and the elbows end up pointing to the sides.

6.       Return to the starting position, controlling the descent at all times.

7.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Lateral Raises
1.       Stand on the tubing so that the feet are about shoulder width apart.
2.       Grab a handle with each hand and adjust the length of the tubing so a slight tension is felt in the starting position.
3.       Start with the palms of each hand facing each other in front of the body with the arms extended downwards and slightly bent.
4.       Pull the tubing by raising the arms out to the sides until the arms are nearly parallel to the floor and the palms of the hands are facing the ground.
5.       Return to the starting position keeping the movement under control.
6.       Perform 1-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Lunges Against Resistance
1.       Loop a long length of tubing around a stationary object and hold both handles at sides.
2.       Step forward and perform lunge, stepping away from the point of tension.
3.       Repeat this exercise 10-15 repetitions per leg, 3-5 sets.
4.       Adjust the angle of tension by stepping diagonally in either direction.

Medicine Ball Squat Toss
1.       Start in a standing position with ball at waist level.
2.       Drop into a half squat position by bending the knees and bringing the hips down and backward.
3.       Keeping the back straight, explosively jump and perform an underhand throw with both arms up into the air. The player should move from a triple flexed position (hips, knees, ankles) to a triple extended position (hips, knees, ankles).
4.       Land in a balanced position with the weight on the balls of the feet and the knees and hips slightly bent.
5.       Let the ball bounce. Pick it up and repeat the movement.
6.       Perform 1-3 sets of 6-12 repetitions.

Medicine Ball Power Toss
1.       Start by laying on the back, knees bent, soles of feet on the ground.
2.       Hold medicine ball in hands, at chest level.
3.       Forcefully push the medicine ball off chest and launch straight upwards.
4.       Catch the ball with both hands and decelerate the ball as it lowers back down to chest.
5.       Perform 1-3 sets of 6-12 repetitions.

Monster Walks
1.       Start with a rubber band placed around both ankles.
2.       Get into good athletic position - legs slightly bent, body upright, and looking forward.
3.       Maintaining a good athletic position with the knees bent, step laterally with the right foot about 3-6 inches.
4.       While the controlling the band, lift the left foot and step in towards the right foot about 3-6 inches.
5.       Repeat this series while "walking" 15-20 feet (or from one doubles sideline to the other).
6.       Repeat this exercise two times in each direction (across the court).

One Leg Balance Pulls
1.       Attach rubber tubing to fence or other stationary object about a foot off the ground.
2.       Grasp the tubing with both hands.
3.       Stand on the left leg and bend the knees approximately 45 degrees.
4.       While maintaining balance, perform two arm rows.
5.       Keep the movement controlled and smooth.
6.       Perform 1-3 sets of 10 repetitions.
7.       Repeat using the same technique for the opposite leg.